Windows 11 features compared with Windows 10

Started by certforumz, February 13, 2023, 10:25:43 AM

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Some of the features of Windows 11 might include:

Redesigned Start Menu: The Start Menu might see a major overhaul, with a more modern and customizable design.

Improved Virtual Desktops: Windows 11 might offer improved virtual desktop management, making it easier to switch between multiple desktops and arrange windows.

Better Touchscreen Support: Windows 11 could offer better support for touchscreens, making it easier to use Windows on tablet devices.

Improved File Explorer: The File Explorer in Windows 11 might be updated with new features, such as better organization and improved search capabilities.

Better Integration with Microsoft 365: Windows 11 might offer better integration with Microsoft 365, allowing users to access their files and apps from anywhere, on any device.

New Theme and Design: Windows 11 might feature a new visual design, with updated icons, themes, and wallpapers.

These are just some of the expected features of Windows 11. It's important to note that this information is not confirmed and may change as development progresses.


What are the additional features in Windows 10 compared with Windows 8 or Vista?
Windows 10 was released as a free upgrade for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users and offers several new features and improvements over its predecessors. Some of the key features in Windows 10 compared with Windows 8 or Windows Vista include:

Start Menu: Windows 10 reintroduces the Start Menu, which was removed in Windows 8. The Start Menu in Windows 10 is a hybrid of the traditional Start Menu and the Start Screen from Windows 8, offering quick access to both apps and live tiles.

Cortana: Windows 10 introduces Cortana, Microsoft's virtual assistant, which can perform tasks such as setting reminders, answering questions, and providing directions.

Virtual Desktops: Windows 10 offers virtual desktops, which allow you to create and switch between multiple desktop environments. This feature is especially useful for organizing open windows and applications.

Edge Browser: Windows 10 includes Microsoft Edge, a new web browser designed to replace Internet Explorer. Edge is faster, more secure, and more standards-compliant than its predecessor.

Snap Enhancements: Windows 10 introduces several enhancements to the Snap feature, which allows you to quickly arrange windows side by side. With Snap Enhancements, you can now snap four windows to the corners of the screen, or arrange windows in a quadrant layout.

Continuum: Windows 10 includes Continuum, a feature that allows you to switch between tablet and desktop mode on devices that have both touch and non-touch input.

DirectX 12: Windows 10 includes DirectX 12, the latest version of Microsoft's graphics API, which provides improved performance and reduced latency for gaming and multimedia applications.

Security Improvements: Windows 10 includes several security improvements, such as enhanced biometric authentication with Windows Hello, and improved device and data protection with BitLocker.

These are some of the key features in Windows 10 compared with Windows 8 or Windows Vista. While Windows 10 has many new and improved features, it also retains some of the best features from its predecessors, making it a well-rounded and versatile operating system.