
Foo => Happenings - Global => Topic started by: certforumz on July 30, 2013, 12:32:40 AM

Title: Why So Many People Hate Google?
Post by: certforumz on July 30, 2013, 12:32:40 AM
Here are some reasons why so many people hate Google:
Danny Sullivan, a Search Engines Specialist says:

"Google's purchase of Writely sort of drove me over the edge last week. When I saw the news confirmed, I exclaimed out loud to myself, "Oh, give me a break." A break from what, freakishly talking to myself? No, a break from Google going in yet another direction when there is so much stuff they haven't finished, gotten right or need to fix.

Honestly, if Google wants to be as "ubiquitous as brushing your teeth" (see here from October and here earlier this month), then they need to make sure the Google toothpaste tastes good or that you can squeeze it out of the Google toothpaste tube (beta) without it getting all clogged up."

Read full article at: http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2059399/25-Things-I-Hate-About-Google

Google Becoming the Next Company People Love to Hate: 10 Reasons Why......
Article by Don Reisinger 


Here's why Google could become the company people love to hate.

1. It's more Microsoft-like than ever

Microsoft has been one of the most disliked companies in the technology industry for quite some time. Part of that is due to the success it has had, but it's also due to Microsoft's willingness to exercise its dominance over the years. Recently, Google has been more Microsoft-like in that respect. The company is successful, and it's using its influence as a market leader to further its goals. That's certainly good for business, but it's not necessarily good from a consumer-opinion perspective.

2. It's huge

Big companies tend to get hit harder by consumers than those that aren't as successful. A quick inventory of the strong opinions people have about Microsoft and Apple are proof of that. But now Google is huge. And it will likely only get bigger as time goes on. The bigger it gets, the more people will take issue with the search giant. It's simply the way things go.

3. It has its tentacles in everything

Google is now asserting itself in a slew of different markets. When the company first started, it was simply a search firm. Nowadays, Google is a major force in advertising, the mobile market and the cloud. Its tentacles are extending far beyond its core business. And as that happens, expect more folks to take issue with Google's decision to expand its operation.

4. Dominance breeds contempt

Google's success is nothing that the company should be ashamed about. But that won't stop consumers and other folks from taking issue with it. As Microsoft, Apple and other prominent companies have shown over the past few years, whenever a company dominates a space, it's viewed as naturally hostile to the interests of competing firms and perhaps even to consumer interests. That might not actually be true. But that is the perception. And it's a tough one for Google or any other company to shake.  - See more at: http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Cloud-Computing/Google-Becoming-the-Next-Company-People-Love-to-Hate-10-Reasons-Why-484852/#sthash.AWdWJjDb.dpuf

Read full article here. (http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Cloud-Computing/Google-Becoming-the-Next-Company-People-Love-to-Hate-10-Reasons-Why-484852/)