Merchant Goods and Services Tax for sales in India
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a comprehensive, indirect tax applicable on manufacturing and the sale of goods and services in India.
Who pays GST
GST must be paid on Google Play Store apps and games sold to customers in India. Keep the following in mind:
App or game developers based in India must determine any tax obligation themselves and pay GST as applicable
Google collects and pays GST on sales of apps and games by developers located outside India
What India-based developers must do under GST law
If you're a developer with a merchant account address in India, you may be responsible for paying GST on the sale of apps and games by customers in India. To determine your GST obligations, we recommend you work with your tax advisor.
Get or find your GSTIN
We recommend you work with your tax advisor to determine your GST obligations.
Developers located in India that are required to get a GSTIN must provide it to Google under GST law.
To find or get your GSTIN, register or sign in to the Indian Government GST website and follow the instructions provided. If you need help, contact them.
Provide or update your GSTIN
After you have your GSTIN, add it along with business contact details to your payments profile. We provide this information to Indian tax authorities under GST law (where required).
Here's how to enter your GSTIN, your business address, and state in your payments profile:
Sign in to the payments profile.
Click Settings.
Find your payments profile, then "India tax info".
Click Edit Edit .
Enter or update your India business address, state, and GSTIN.
Click Save.
Keep the following in mind:
You're responsible for the accuracy of the GSTIN and business address you provide to Google.
The price for apps and games in Google Play must include all taxes, including GST. Google will pass the total price to you after the transaction fee. Learn how to set up and change Play Store prices.