The Switch Simulator software is a software tool that enables candidates to work on Cisco/Juniper switches in a stand alone virtual lab environment. Several labs have been made available for practice in the lab manual for both Cisco and Juniper switches. Both Command Line Interface (CLI) mode and Graphical User Interface (GUI) mode are available. Domains covered in the labs include
1. Basic IP address configuration of switches
2. VLAN, VTP configurations
3. STP configuration and troubleshooting
Check this for Available Cisco/Juniper labs (
Several new features added to Switch simulator include
1. Backup and restore Lab configuration
2. Bookmarking individual Labs.
3. Bookmarking all labs under selected section.
4. Saving and reloading half completed labs
5. Resetting individual and all labs to default.
6. Marking not attempted, not completed and completed labs in different color for easy identification.
The demo software has all the features of the full version, but limited to a few number of labs. Full version may be activated online using the link below: (