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This article describes as to how to install Composer in Cpanel
The above is required to install stripe payment gateway
Once Composer is installed, use the following procedure to install stripe payment gateway:
For Scala reseller hosting, there is no need of the following procedure. Just register your client IP with the support guy, and start using PuTTY.
No need to update keys at the client side.
Check this article on how to configure ssh on cpanel host, and configure your own windows computer to use the downloaded key
Using PuTTY
Before you can connect to your account, you must deploy the private key to your local computer (unless you imported a public key into cPanel, in which case you presumably already have the private key on your computer). To do this, follow these steps:
Log in to cPanel.
If you do not know how to log in to your cPanel account, please see this article.
In the SECURITY section of the cPanel home screen, click SSH Access:
cPanel - Security - SSH Access icon
On the SSH Access page, under Manage SSH Keys, click Manage SSH Keys.
On the SSH Access page, under Private Keys, locate the name of the key you created, and then click View/Download.
Under Convert the "id_rsa" key to PPK format, click Convert. cPanel converts the key.
Click Download Key, and then save the id_rsa.ppk file on your local computer. Make sure you note where the file is saved on your computer.
At this point, you have created the SSH key pair and deployed the private key to your local computer. You are now ready to configure the PuTTY client to connect to your SSH account using the private key.
The following procedure assumes that you have already downloaded and installed the PuTTY client. If you have not already done this, follow the PuTTY setup procedures in this article before proceeding.
To configure PuTTY to use your private key, follow these steps:
Start PuTTY.
In the Category pane, expand SSH, and then click Auth.
Under Authentication Parameters, click Browse.
Locate the id_rsa.ppk file that you created in the previous procedure.
In the Category pane, click Session.
In the Host Name (or IP address) text box, type Replace username with your A2 Hosting username, and replace with your site's domain name.
In the Port text box, type 7822.
The default port for SSH is 22. However, A2 Hosting uses a different port for security reasons.
Confirm that the Connection type radio button is set to SSH.
In the Saved Sessions text box, type a name for the connection. For example, type A2 account.
Click Save.
To connect to your SSH account, double-click the connection name in the list. PuTTY should connect without asking you to type your account password. If you set a passphrase for the key, however, you must type the key passphrase.