
Lemon Cultivation => Growing Lemon Plantation => Topic started by: certforumz on September 13, 2017, 07:18:17 AM

Title: Lemon Plants Growth
Post by: certforumz on September 13, 2017, 07:18:17 AM
Lemon plants take up to 8 years to grow fully. However, they usually start yielding fruits from the age of 3. A fully grown lemon tree can yield fruits up to 150 KGs per year. This may vary depending on the soil and environment.

Nitrogen and Potash are the two important fertilizers for lemon trees. Ca is also important. Micro nutrients are required for maintaining the health of the tree.

Important points:
1. Lemon plants die of root wrought if excess water is not drained properly. Dont water lemon trees too frequently.
2. Apply up to 20 kg of N and K per grown tree per year. Dont apply fertilizers during winter season.
3. Make the bed of the lemon tree twice that of the canopy. When distributing fertilizers, spray over the entire base, give at least 6 inches space from the stem.
4. For growth of the fruit, K is very important.
5. N and K are more important for lemon trees, in NPK formula, ensure that N and K are plenty. 26-0-26 etc. In the given formula, if you put 100 kg of fertilizer, there will be 26% of N and 26% of K. No phosporous.

Useful links:

Iron and Magnesium deficiency explained:

3. New leaves are pale yellow, pale green or white with green veins
This is a sign of iron deficiency due to the soil being too alkaline, so the iron is not in a form available for root uptake. Apply iron chelates (from garden centres) to the foliage as a liquid feed or drench the soil with Sequestron. Zinc deficiency has similar symptoms but in this case the young leaves are small, narrow and distorted as well as being pale. Zinc is leached out of sandy, light soils and alkaline conditions make it unavailable to plants. Apply a trace element mix, Sequestron or citrus fertiliser.


Basal application    In pesticides, the application of a chemical on plant stems or tree trunks just above the soil line.
Title: Re: Lemon Plants Growth
Post by: certforumz on September 13, 2017, 07:33:54 AM
NPK - 10:26:26