Following are some of the most common questions in our forums. If you have the same or similar questions, please read these topics first. If you cannot find the answer your are looking for, or want to know more, don't hesitate to post a reply to one of the following or start a new thread. In case of the latter, please use a clear descriptive title (i.e. more than just "I need help") so others can find answers in our forums more easily.
CCNA Certification Details = Number of questions, pass score (,16.0.html)
What Books would you recommend for the CCNA? (,148.0.html)
CCNA Router Simuluators (,147.msg216.html#msg216)
Which Network Simulator you find helpful?
Newbie, currently going for CCNA
What are the differences between old CCNA and new CCNA (,25.0.html)
I don?t have any equipment should I buy a Simulator?
Advice needed, no access to routers
what is the best CCNA Network Simulator out there? Net Sim - is it useful?
Can you please tell me the best CCNA Sim software?
What is the best practice test simulator for CCNA preparation?
Any CCNA Cheat Sheets? (,106.0.html)
I want to setup my own home lab what should I buy and how do I set it up?
Help with CCENT/CCNA Beginner Lab Setup
The "Matt George" guide to Cisco IOS
Where to buy Cisco lab kits?
CCNA Cheat Sheets (,106.0.html)
Hardware for CCNA? (,145.0.html)
Does this router support intervlan routing?
SDM on non ISR Routers
How to setup CCNA home lab? (,145.0.html)
What type of Router to purchase for a home lab?
What routers and switches to buy for CCENT/CCNA?
Downloading and Installing Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM)
Need IP Subnet Calculator for Windows
What is Subnetting
What is IP Subnet Zero
A good subnetting table
Questions on Subnetting
IP Addressing - Identify Broadcast Address
Valid IP addresses range and Broadcast address
Explain VLSM, Summerization, and Wildcard Masks
CCNA Questions - Fundamentals (,49.0.html)
What is VLAN, STP, and VTP? and VLAN/STP/VTP Questions (,52.0.html)
What type of questions are asked in CCENT/CCNA exam?
How many simulation questions will be there?
Is this simulator good or I need to buy a home lab equipment?
Is VTP supported by the simulator?
Does this simulator support STP and PVSTP?
Can I have more than 3 routers on this simulator?
How many ports can be used per router on this simulator?
Which practice tests have all types of questions including simlets, testlets, and router simulations?