CertExams.com JNCIA-Junos exam simulator consists of 250+ questions with Flash cards. The test is offered in downloadable version a user may download the examsim, and take the test on his/her desktop computer.
Important features of the Exam Simulator software
Exam Objectives Covered
Check this video presentation for product features and update
Important features of the Exam Simulator software
- 250+ questions are available from latest exam objectives.
- Supports several question types including multiple choice, that provide close to actual exam environment.
- Up to date practice questions with detailed explanations.
- Detailed explanation provided for each question.
- Full version of the software may be unlocked using the demo version after the purchase of the test simulator using program interface automatically
- Store and view results at a later date, or review answers.
Exam Objectives Covered
- Networking Fundamentals
- Junos OS Fundamentals
- User Interfaces
- Configuration Basics
- Operational Monitoring and Maintenance
- Routing Fundamentals
- Routing Policy and Firewall Filters
Check this video presentation for product features and update