Windows 7 display driver problem with intel D845 GVSR board

Started by certforumz, April 21, 2015, 12:57:39 AM

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drivers for 845 chipset and Windows 7

Hi, we just installed W7 on a dell2400 with the 845gv chipset and we had the problem of the resolution being very low. W7 only installed a generic vga driver. Any attempts to find and install a W7 driver failed. However, use the latest XP driver. (link below) save it to your desktop and right click it and run it in compatibility mode for XP service pack 3 and then run as Administrator, it will then install as if it were running on xp and then you will be able to have normal graphics.
But in our case the video card was so outdated and slow that Aero will not work. We were stumped for awhile but it works great now.