TSHOOT 642-832 Scenario Question

Started by certforumz, December 25, 2011, 12:01:15 PM

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This item is a series of four trouble tickets generated against a common topology. The main screen consists of three parts, the Main scenario, the Topology tabs and the Trouble Ticket tabs. The main scenario describes TSHOOT.coms test bed. The Topology tabs allow you to display the appropriate topoloty. The Trouble Ticket tabs allow you to select the individual trouble tickets.

To complete this item, you will first need to familiarize yourself with the TSHOOT.com test bed by clicking on the master scenario first and then the topologies tabs. Once you are familiar with the test bed and the topologies, you should start evaluating the

individual trouble tickets. With each trouble ticket, you will be presented with a Trouble Ticket scenario that will describe the fault condition.

CAUTION: As with a typical network, trouble tickets may have similar fault scenarios, however, each ticket has its own fault condition. You will need to determine on which device the fault condition is located, to which technology the fault condition is

related, and the solution to each trouble ticket. This will be done by answering three questions.

Ticket Selection:
- To begin, click on the corresponding ticket on the right hand side. Example Ticket 1
- The ticket you are working on will be highlighted in Blue
- Tickets can be answered in any order.
Fault Isolation:
- Read the ticket scenario to understand the fault condition
- Open the appropriate topology, based upon the ticket scenario
- Open the console of the desired device by clicking on that device in the topology, based upon your troubleshooting methodology.
- Use the supported show, ping, and trace commands to begin your fault isolation process.
- Move to other devices as needed by clicking on those devices within the topology.

Fault identification:
- Each trouble ticket will include three questions that you will need to answer:
   1. Which device contains the fault
   2. Which technology the fault condition is related to
   3. What is the solution to the issue
- To advance to the next question within the ticket, click on "Next Question"
- You may also use the "Previous Question" button to review questions within that specific ticket.
- TO complete a trouble ticket, answer all three questions and click "DONE". This will store your response to the questions. Do not click on "DONE" unless you have answered all quesitons within the ticket.
- When you click "DONE", the trouble ticket will turn RED and will no longer be accesssible. - Once a ticket is complete, you will

be provided with how many items you answered correctly for that ticket. This functionality will NOT be available in the test item.
- This demo allows you to review the configuration of any device with no fault injected by selecting that devices console with no ticket active. This functionality will NOT be available in the test item.
- If you wish, you may also leave a ticket incomplete by clicking "ABORT". However, all information previously selected in that ticket will be lost. You may return to the ticket when you desire. No other icket is affected by aborting an active ticket.


The overview of the scenario question is given below:

The scenario questions are given below:

Disclaimer: Please check with Cisco website for latest changes.


IPv6 topology is given below:


1)FCAPS is a network maintenance model defined by ISO. What does it stand for?

A ? Action Management
B ? Fault Management
C ? Configuration Management
D ? Protocol Management
E ? Security Management

Answer: B C E (Fault, Configuration & Security Management) Notice that A stands for Accounting, not Action.

2) Which alerts will be seen on the console when running the command: logging console warnings.

A ? warnings only
B ? warnings, notifications, error, debugging, informational
C ? warnings, errors, critical, alerts, emergencies
D ? notifications, warnings, errors
E ? warnings, errors, critical, alerts

Answer: C  (warning, critical, alert, emergencies)


The Message Logging is divided into 8 levels as listed below
Level    Keyword    Description
0    emergencies    System is unusable
1    alerts    Immediate action is needed
2    critical    Critical conditions exist
3    errors    Error conditions exist
4    warnings    Warning conditions exist
5    notification    Normal, but significant, conditions exist
6    informational    Informational messages
7    debugging    Debugging messages

The highest level is level 0 (emergencies). The lowest level is level 7. If you specify a level with the ?logging console level? command, that level and all the higher levels will be displayed. For example, by using the ?logging console warnings? command, all the logging of emergencies, alerts, critical, errors, warnings will be displayed.

In this question, E is also correct but it is less information -> C is the best answer.

3) You have 2 commands used for ftp:
ip ftp username xxxxxx
ip ftp password yyyyyy

Which two commands will be used when switching from ftp to http?

ip http client username xxxxxx
ip http client password yyyyyy

4) Which two of the following options are categories of Network Maintenance tasks?

A ? Firefighting
B ? Interrupt-driven
C ? Policy-based
D ? Structured
E ? Foundational

Answer: B D

5) The following commands are issued on a Cisco router:

Router(config)#access-list 199 permit tcp host host
Router(config)#access-list 199 permit tcp host host
Router#debug ip packet 199

What would be the output shown on the console?

A ? All IP packets passing through the router
B ? Only IP packets with the source address of
C ? All IP packets from to
D ? All IP packets between to

Answer: D

Only communication between host and host

6) You have two NTP servers & and want to configure a router to use as its NTP server before falling back to Which command will you use?


ntp server
ntp server prefer

(notice the answer with the word ?prefer?)

7) The interface is up and protocol is up. What level of logging is enabled when you get these messages?

%LINEPROTO‐5‐UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to up

A -alerts
B ? errors
C ? critical
D ? notifications

Answer: D

8) Two Cisco routers are connected to each other and are enabled CDP. Serial line is up,protocol is also up but cdp neighbor not working. What layer of the OSI model does the problem most likely exist?


Data link layer.


Question 1

Fault Management ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ F
Configuration Management ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ C
Accounting Management ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ A

Question 2

FCAPS?model defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
ITIL? framework for it prof
TNM?network management model is the Telecommunications Standardization Sector?s (ITU-T)
Cisco lifecycle?model is often referred to as the PPDIOO model

Question 3

EEM ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ CLI based for Management and Monitoring
SDM ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ provide a GUI for Administration
FTP ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Used for Backup and restore

Source: h??p://www.networktut.com/tshoot-drag-and-drop-questions