: CCNA (200-301) Examsim w/ Netsim

Started by shanthala, March 01, 2023, 12:52:24 AM

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shanthala a software download website offers CCNA Exam Sim w/ Netsim. The Examsim consists of more than 500 questions, covering topics from the latest objectives of the CCNA(200-301) exam.

Network Simulator w/ Designer for CCNA provides a virtual lab environment where a router/switch network can be simulated. The software is primarily intended for candidates preparing for CCNA™ exam

Exam simulator features

  • Multiple choice questions (Single and Multi answer) - most vendors provide this.
  • Testlets (See snapshot Exam Screen below)
  • Simlets, and
  • Router Simulations

CCNA Network Simulator Features:

  • Lab exercises -currently 100+ labs are included with scenario type labs for NAT, OSPF, BGP, EIGRP, Access Lists, and others.
  • Router and switch IOS simulator. For beginners, a simple router/switch device simulator has been provided.
  • Simulate Cisco® IOS routers and Switches, supports  26XX, and 36XX routers, and 19XX, and 29XX switches.
  • 350+ router/switch commands are supported for thorough preparation.
  • Labs for switches including 19xx and 29xx switches included in the Lab Manual provided with the software.
  • Contextual help files that provide step by step instructions on using the simulator have been provided.
  • The demo version is limited to a fewer labs, and up to global configuration mode is supported in demo version.
  • Separate lab manual on both console and GUI labs.
  • Backup and restore Lab configuration
  • Bookmarking individual Labs.
  • Bookmarking all labs under selected section.
  • Saving and reloading half completed labs
  • Resetting individual and all labs to default.
  • Marking not attempted, not completed and completed labs in different color for easy identification.

About CCNA Certification: Cisco's 200-301 certification exam is the only exam to be passed for being awarded your CCNA certification. This exam tests candidate's knowledge and skills in network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability.

In order to receive CCNA Certification candidate must pass 200-301 CCNA exam. This test consists of a variety of question types including multiple-choice, simlets, testlets, and router simulation questions. You will be required to answer 120 questions in 120 minutes. To pass, you need a score of 800-850 out of 1000