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Started by certforumz, May 06, 2010, 07:50:20 AM

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certforumz has recently released CCNA Computer Based Trainer (CBT) software that enables candidates to prepare thoroughly for CCNA exam. The important features of the software are given below:
The package primarily consists of a Cisco IOS simulator w/designer, and practice tests. It enables you to administer, and track results using an admin control panel.  The download consists of a demo, and a protected full version of the software that requires valid license to use.

CCNA Practice Questions

- Multiple choice single answer
- Multiple choice multiple answers
- True/False Type questions
- Testlet Type questions
- Simulation Type questions
- Simlet Type questions

Configuration Control Options

- Set question randomization
- Set number of questions for exam
- Set answer randomization
- Save and manage results
- Enable/disable options with a password

Network Simulator

- Simulate a router network
- Design a router network
- Use existing 100+ network labs to gain experience
- Detailed lab Manual provided

The most notable features are that the software contains Simlet and Router Simulation, and Testlet question types, which no other practice test vendor is providing. The exam simulator provides a comprehensive prep tool for CCNA exam.

Related links:
Product page:

Download page:


The product has been updated to include several new labs (IPv6) and support various additional IOS commands. The new labs supported include the following:
IPv6 Basic Labs
1.    Enabling ipv6 on a cisco router
2.    Enabling ipv6 on a cisco router interface
3.    Configuring ipv6 on a cisco router interface with a IPv6 address in EUI-format
4.    Configuring ipv6 on a cisco router interface with a IPv6 address in general form
5.    Configuring loopback interface with IPv6 address
6.    Configuring ipv6 on two router interfaces connected directly and pinging the distant interface using console
7.    Traceroute lab

IPv6 Routing Protocol labs
1.    Enabling RIPng (IPv6 RIP Process) on a cisco router interface
2.    Enabling RIPng on two routers and pinging between them
3.    Entering RIPng router configuration mode and setting global parameters on a cisco router
4.    Configuring EIGRPv6 on a router interface
5.    Configuring EIGRPv6 on two routers and pinging between them
6.    Enabling OSPF for IPv6 on a Cisco router interface
7.    Configuring OSPF on two router interfaces
8.    General IPv6 configuration on 2610 series router

Download the product CCNA CBT now:
You can try before you buy!