Current and Capital Account Transactions - Rles and Regulations

Started by certforumz, September 15, 2019, 04:29:50 AM

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S.No.    Particulars    Limitations
1.    Private visit to any country (except Nepal and Bhutan)    USD 10,000 or its equivalents in one year for one or more private visit.
2    Gift/donations per remitter/donor    Gift/Donations are comes under liberalized Remittance Schemes of USD 1,25,000 for resident individuals. Remittance should not exceed USD 1,25,000 during a particular FY
3    Donations by Corporate    1% of the foreign exchange earnings during the previous three FY or USD 5 million, whichever is less, for a specified purpose
4    Going abroad for employment    USD 1,00,000 one time only
5    Remittance facility for emigrations    USD 1,00,000 or the amount prescribed by country of emigration not exceeding USD 1,00,000 one time only.
6    Remittance for maintenance of close relatives abroad    Net salary (after deduction of tax, PF and other deduction) of a person who is resident but not permanent resident in india and citizen of foreign state other than Pakistan.


USD 1,00,000 per year per recipient in all other cases
7    Business Travel Abroad    USD 25000 per trip respective of stay
8    Attending conference or specialized training    USD 25000
9    Meeting expenses of Medical treatment    USD 1,00,000
10    Maintenance expenses of a patient going for medical treatment of medical checkup abroad    USD 25000
11    Studies abroad    USD 1,00,000 per academic Year or estimation from the Institution abroad whichever is higher.
12    Meeting expenses of accompanying as attendance to a patient going abroad for medical treatment or medical checkup    USD 25000
13    Commission to agent abroad for selling of residential flats or commercial plot in India    USD 25000 or 5 % of inward remittance per transactions whichever is higher
14    Consultancy services from outside India    USD 1 million per project to USD 10 million per project (in case of infrastructure project)

In all other case USD 1 million will be continuing.
15    Reimbursement of pre-incorporation expenses    5% of the investment brought into India or USD 100,000 whichever is higher,
16    Remittance for use and/or Purchase of Trade mark    Freely allow without approval of RBI
17    Remittance for securing Insurance for Health from a company abroad    Freely allow
18    Remittance of royalty and payment of lump sum fee under the technical collaboration agreement    Freely allow without any prior approval of RBI
19    Release of exchange for medical treatment outside India when a person has fallen sick after proceeding abroad    Extent of USD 1,00,000 without any hassles and any loss of time on the basis of self declarations
20    Small Value Remittance    Up to USD 25000 (form A2)